Archive for Editorial

Stefano’s E3 2014 Report Part 7: PlayStation Vita

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on June 19, 2014 by Stefano Terry

The PlayStation Vita is, without a doubt, my favorite handheld device. I also love my 3DS, but my library of games on the Vita is over 160 and still growing. So, it goes without saying that I was anticipating seeing what the handheld had on offer at this years E3, but I was also apprehensive, as there was nary a peep from Sony concerning the Vita at their E3 press conference the Monday before the show floor opened. So, did the Vita deliver this year?

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Stefano’s E3 2014 Report Part 3: Bloodborne

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by Stefano Terry

Bloodborne was the last game I saw at E3 today, and boy, what a game to go out on! It’s not big on flash, set-pieces, or fancy combo systems, but what I saw demoed for me catapulted the game to my game of the show, ahead of The Witcher 3, and The Order 1886. Bloodborne is a third person action/horror/rpg developed by From Software, produced by Sony Japan Studios, and is being published by SCE exclusively for the PlayStation 4. Read on for my thoughts.

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Stefano’s E3 2014 Report Part 2: The Order 1886

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by Stefano Terry

The Order 1886 wasn’t the first game I got my hands on at E3 this year, but it was definitely one of the titles I was anticipating checking out for myself the most. For those unfamiliar with the title, The Order 1886 is a third person shooter set in an alternate history London in which an ancient order of knights must protect the world from supernatural threats. The game is being developed by Ready at Dawn, exclusively for the PlayStation 4. So, how did it hold up? Read on below to find out.

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Stefano’s E3 2014 Report Part 1: The Witcher 3

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , on June 11, 2014 by Stefano Terry

Hey, everybody!

I just got back from my first day at E3, and I had a great time! I saw a lot, played a lot, and wore down the soles on my shoes! I can’t say that this is a comprehensive E3 2014 report, as I focused on the stuff that interests me. Below is Part 1 of my summary of the stuff I saw. I’ll be uploading my photo gallery as well a little later. So, read on to find out what I thought of E3 2014!

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inFAMOUS 2 UGC: “The New Marais Ripper” Parts 1-3

Posted in Editorials, News, Playstation 3, PSN with tags , , , on June 14, 2011 by Stefano Terry

Hey folks! It’s been pretty busy for me lately, so I haven’t been able to update as often as I’d like, but today is rather special for me!

As some of you are aware, I was in the inFAMOUS 2 User Generated Content (UGC) Beta back in April (I wrote some nifty impressions on the beta here: Continue reading

Thoughts on Mass Effect 2

Posted in Editorials, Xbox 360 with tags , , , on March 4, 2010 by namelessshe

By Namelessshe

Mass Effect 2 left me with mixed feelings. There were definitely things it improved upon from the first game, but at the same time, I think it took a big step back. Why?

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The Benefits Of More Space

Posted in Editorials, Industry, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , on December 15, 2009 by Stefano Terry

An Editorial By Figboy

Ever since Sony announced that the Playstation 3 would include a high capacity Blu Ray disc drive in each console, the decision was highly criticized for being Sony’s attempt to Trojan Horse Blu Ray into the marketplace, and how the need for a higher capacity disc was not needed in gaming.

However, over the past three years the Playstation 3 has been on the market, it has shown, time and time again, that having that extra space does more for gaming than earlier pundits believed. I’m going to outline just a few of the benefits that extra 25-50 gigs of space on a single and dual layer Blu Ray has brought to gaming. Continue reading

Modern Warfare 2 and the Hypocrisy of the Gaming Media

Posted in Editorials, Industry, Playstation 3, PSN, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE with tags , , , , on November 12, 2009 by Stefano Terry

An Editorial  Rant by Figboy


As usual, I find myself on my soap box ranting about the gaming media. I can’t help it, with each and every bit of media being released by the gaming press this generation, the more fuel they add to the fire in regards to their complete lack of objectivity, consistency, and above all else, journalistic standards.

I’m not a journalists, nor do I consider myself to be one. I’m simply a guy that loves his video games, and loves talking video games with like minded gamers. Continue reading

Ratchet and Clank and The Dilemma Of The Sequel

Posted in Editorials, Industry, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 with tags , , , , on November 2, 2009 by Stefano Terry

Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time

An Editorial By Figboy

Like most of my editorials, this one is also spurred by a growing hypocrisy and double standard ravaging the gaming community and gaming media at large. This time, my laser pointer is aimed at game sequels, and why some can be praised for keeping the status quo, and others criticized for keeping the status quo. How some sequels can be praised for shaking things up, and others criticized for shaking things up. Continue reading

Gamers: Expand Your Horizons

Posted in Editorials, Industry, PC, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSN, PSP, Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE with tags , , , on September 30, 2009 by Stefano Terry
Gamers: Expand Your Horizons
An Editorial by Figboy
A thought occured to me while I was reading an article about Heavy Rain on fanboy central website A lot of fuss is raised over a percieved lack of innovation in todays gaming, but in my mind, I don’t think the majority of the gaming populace are ready for innovation, when they can’t even break out of their small, rigid thinking about what a game is.
It’s a generalization, but no less true: the shooter genre is the top dog in the industry at the moment. It’s kind of funny to me, having been gaming for nearly 30 years now, but I remember when the FPS, just like the RPG, were small, niche genres that a very, very small minority of gamers indulged. Not any longer. Both genres are quite large now, but the FPS genre is bordering on colossal.
Gamers eat it up. Single player, mostly multi-player, deathmatch, team deathmatch, they can’t get enough. And yet, like a contradiction, they spout off about the lack of originality and innovation in games while trying to frag their way to the next unlockable Achievement and Trophy in nearly every FPS that comes their way.
When a game like Heavy Rain comes along, it is met with crickets and tumbleweeds from the audience. Before I continue, I’ll briefly address what Heavy Rain is to those that are unaware. Heavy Rain is a single player “crime drama/thriller” video game that revolves around four playable characters and their connection to a mysterious serial killer dubbed “The Origami Killer,” because he leaves an ornate origami at the crime scene. Outside of this, not much is known about the story, because the developer, Quantic Dream, would like to keep it under wraps. The plot, however, sounds like it’s a perfect fit for the latest episode of CSI or Law and Order. And that’s precisely the point.
Gameplay wise, the game is a third person “adventure” game, where players control the character and investigate areas, talk to witnesses, and gather clues. If anyone has played Quantic Dream’s last title, Indigo Prophecy, they’d have a great idea of what to expect from Heavy Rain, although it is more grounded in reality, and features stunning visuals that help establish the characters and setting as something that should be taken seriously by the mature gamer.
Like a movie or TV show, there are action set pieces (like a crime investigator attempting to escape the clutches of a mechanic trying to kill him), tension filled moments (like the player trying to talk down a man robbing a store at gunpoint), and even some sexuality (like an undercover reporter forced to strip for the sleezeball she is trying to investigate). These scenes are played out in a unique way, using a combination of player controls and context sensitive button presses that affect the way the scene plays out. Depending on the choices the player makes, not all four of the playable characters may see the ending of the game, and each scenario has multiple branching paths that organically spawn from those choices. I saw the store robbery scene play out at least 3 different times, sometimes with the robber giving up, sometimes with the robber shooting your character, and so on. This level of gameplay complexity has very rarely, if ever been seen in gaming before, and when it is, it is largely shunned by the community at large.
As a culture, gaming has barely been around for 30 years. It’s still young when compared to even the film industry, let alone ancient forms of media like literature, music, and even art. Being the young culture we are, we cling to what we know, what is familiar to us, and we are afraid to move onto the next stage of our growth. This isn’t just the gamers fault, though we are a part of it, but the developers themselves.
Developers are afraid to take chances on risky gameplay like Heavy Rain, because they know that their target audience will not be very receptive enough to it, and the group that will be receptive, are too small to make a dent in the costs it took to produce the game.
Gamers can be very closeminded when it comes to new gameplay elements. Gamers are also very presumptous. They see a two minute trailer of a game, and they think they’ve figured out exactly how the game will play and feel. They see the button prompts fly up on screen during the first trailer of Heavy Rain, and they immediately think it’s nothing different from God of War, or Resident Evil 4, or any other game that has used buttons to help convey a sense of epic scope in the game that the game’s natural gameplay mechanics wouldn’t be able to do (for example, Kratos from God of War battling the gigantic Colossus of Rhodes).
Even more troubling than a gamer’s presumptous attitude is their indifferent attitude to anything that is not the status quo. They see a trailer for Heavy Rain, or Flower, or The Last Guardian, and they shrug dismissively and ask “What’s the big deal? It’s just some lame people talking about love, or a bunch of flower petals flying across the landscape, or a stupid little kid and his weird giant bird/cat/dog creature running around. Why should I care? It looks boring.”
That’s the attitude that is the most damaging to the gaming industry’s growth as a creative medium. If the first look at a game isn’t pulse-poundingly catchy, filled with explosions, tits, and ass, they dismiss it as “boring,” “lame,” or “I don’t get what’s so special about that,” or “that game has button prompts, so it’s not a game.” This attitude needs to change, or we will be swimming in the muck of uninspired, heartless video games and never be able to grow beyond our teenage years, so to speak. Considering how long mediums like film, theatre, art, and music have been around, the gaming industry still has acne and cracking vocal chords. And each time the gamers at large dismiss a game like Heavy Rain, or The Last Guardian, the more and more game developers will shy away from creating such creative works of art, and the more the masses at large will dismiss the gaming media as anything more than mindless fodder for kids and teenagers, despite the average age of gamers these days being 25-30.
Yet all the while, gamers get up on their soapboxes (yours truly included), and complain about a lack of fresh ideas and innovation in the industry. We won’t see any innovation if we can’t even accept varying interpretations of our medium. Games like The Path, Lucidity, Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy, etc, are few and far between, and they don’t need to be if we, as a culture, grew up and expanded our view on what a “game” is. A video game is not just pointing a gun at an enemy and pulling the trigger, or using a sword to disembowel a ninja, or shaking your controller vigorously to get a female characters tits to bounce. Those are certainly aspects to gaming, but they are not the only aspects to gaming. Like the various entertainment mediums that have come before gaming, it, and it’s fanbase have grown to accept a broad spectrum of content and interpretations of what the medium is.
We need to do the same to gaming, or it will never grow. I embrace games like Heavy Rain, The Path, Lucidity, etc, in the same way I embrace a game like Mass Effect, Uncharted 2, and Metal Gear Solid. We need to be more open to game ideas and concepts that may be foreign to us, and stop being so jaded, cynical, and presumptous when that new idea shows it’s face.
Once we can accept that gaming is not just one thing, we will begin to see more innovation and creativity, because we will have shown the powers that be that we are mature and able enough to handle different interpretations of our medium, and respect them for what they are, and they will strive to produce more. Not everybody has to like the same things, of course, but we certainly need to open up and at least consider that there are more ways to enjoy a video game than what we have been used to for 30+ years.

An Editorial by Figboy


A thought occured to me while I was reading an article about Heavy Rain on fanboy central website A lot of fuss is raised over a percieved lack of innovation in todays gaming, but in my mind, I don’t think the majority of the gaming populace are ready for innovation, when they can’t even break out of their small, rigid thinking about what a game is.

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